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How to Delete a TikTok Account: What You Need to Know

Published August 9, 2023

Whether you need a new profile or you’re simply tired of the app, deleting your TikTok account is pretty easy.

Namely, you can do it through your iOS or Android app. Stay tuned to find out how.

Deleting Your TikTok Account

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your account, go to your profile. From there, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Once the menu opens, choose the Settings and Privacy option, then go to Manage Account.
  3. Tap on Delete Account, and then either skip the Why Are You Leaving TikTok question or choose one of the possible answers.
  4. Next, the app will ask if you want to back up your data (all the activity you’ve had on the app, including your liked videos). Although it’s all up to you, it’s advisable to agreeto this step. We will explain why later on.
  5. At this point, the app will take you through a verification process that will entail you getting a code and typing it in so that TikTok knows it is you.
  6. Once you confirm the code, you will see a message from TikTok telling you that you have 30 days to reactivate the account if you change your mind. Once the 30 days are up, the account will be deleted forever.
  7. The app will ask you, once again, to confirm that you want to delete your account. Click Yes, and the app will refresh and take you right back to the Login page.

Backing Up Your TikTok Data

In case you want to back up your data, you can do so through the app. This data includes the videos you’ve liked and added to collections, the comments you left, etc.

  1. Go to Settings and Privacy once again, and then Privacy > Download Your Data.
  2. You will have the option to either download a TXT or a JSON file. One is a human-readable text file, while the other is formatted in Javascript, making it more suitable for computer programs.
  3. Please note that downloading your data could take a few days, so it’s best to wait a bit before you delete your account.

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Written By:
Jessica is a writer who specializes in social media, marketing, and digital strategy. She is a graduate of Antioch College and earned her MBA at Boston College’s Carroll Graduate School of Management, specializing in STEM Management. Her work has been published in numerous academic journals and mainstream publications. She lives in New England with her husband, two children, and three dogs.
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