Jessica is consultant, onderzoeker en hoofdredacteur van de blog Buzzoid, gespecialiseerd in sociale media, marketing en digitale strategie. Ze is afgestudeerd aan Antioch College en behaalde haar MBA aan Boston College's Carroll Graduate School of Management, met als specialisatie STEM Management.

Jessica begon haar carrière bij een van de grootste adviesbureaus van het land. Ze ontwikkelde al snel unieke expertise in het gebruik van machine learning en andere geavanceerde technologieën om effectieve social media marketingstrategieën te bevorderen. Jessica werd de expert van het adviesbureau op dit gebied en werkte aan de ontwikkeling van social media-campagnes voor veel Fortune 100-bedrijven.

Jessica keerde voor korte tijd terug naar de academische wereld als professor aan het MIT, waar haar geavanceerde onderzoek haar een reputatie opleverde als een van Amerika's top experts op het gebied van sociale media. Haar werk werd gepubliceerd in tal van academische tijdschriften en mainstreampublicaties en ze verscheen op radio en televisie, waaronder NPR en CNN, om haar expertise te delen.

Jessica werd teruggelokt naar de publieke sector door een groot social media platform, waar ze werkte als vice president van onderzoek en ontwikkeling, voordat ze instemde om bij Buzzoid te komen werken als onze social media marketing consultant, hoofdredacteur en hoofdauteur.

Jessica is een pijler van Buzzoid's activiteiten vanwege de vele petten die ze draagt: toezicht houden op de kwaliteit van al onze producten en diensten, de Buzzoid blog redigeren, op onderzoek gebaseerde content over Instagram en TikTok schrijven en publiceren, en onze podcasts over social media marketing en de groeiende rol van kunstmatige intelligentie in social media diensten modereren. Naast vele andere projecten was ze de pionier van onze eerste geavanceerde AI Instagram comments service.

Jessica houdt van fietsen en skiën en woont in New England met haar man, twee kinderen en drie honden.

Why Is TikTok Not Showing My Videos to My Followers?
You’ve put time and effort into creating the perfect TikTok video, only to realize that it’s not getting the views you expected. Even your followers aren’t seeing it! If you’ve ever wondered, “Why is TikTok not showing my videos to my followers?” it’s a pretty common question. The TikTok algorithm can sometimes feel like a […]
Why Is TikTok a Security Risk?
TikTok is one of the most popular apps in the world, with millions of users sharing short, creative videos daily. But behind the fun and entertainment, there’s been ongoing debate about TikTok’s potential security risks. You may have heard warnings from governments, cybersecurity experts, and tech companies about privacy concerns related to the app. So, […]
Who Makes the Most Money on TikTok?
TikTok has become a massive platform for creators to not only showcase their talents but also make serious money. With millions of followers and brand deals, some TikTok influencers have turned their short videos into massive fortunes. You might be wondering: Who makes the most money on TikTok? Let’s take a look at some of […]
Why Can’t I Turn on Profile Views on TikTok
Knowing how many profile views you get can help you monitor your growth on Tiktok. If everything is running smoothly, you should get to see profile views from the past 30 days. However, some people are unable to see these profile views, leading them to wonder, “Why can’t I turn on profile views on TikTok?” […]
Why Can’t I Make 10-minute Videos on TikTok?
TikTok is known for its short-form videos, but in recent times, the platform has expanded to allow longer videos, up to 10 minutes. If you’ve heard about this update and are wondering why you can’t make 10-minute videos, we’ve got the answer. Many users have questions about this feature and why they might not be […]
Wat is NNN op TikTok?
If you have taken a stroll down the boulevards of TikTok, you must have noticed how certain abbreviations and acronyms pop up in pretty much every video you scroll through. Some stay omnipresent; others show up seasonally, often tied to some time of year. One such seasonal acronym is NNN. What Does NNN Mean? NNN […]
Wat betekent W op TikTok
When you scroll through your TikTok feed and then to the comment section, you’ll find so many abbreviations and slang. All of these are great until you come across those that you don’t know; at that point, you get locked out of full conversations. It can be quite rough. From the standard LOLs and LMAOs […]
Waarom post ik niets op TikTok?
Some creators make thousands of dollars every month on TikTok. These creators and brands make lots of money by simply posting and interacting with their audience. The barrier to entry is non-existent, so nothing stops you from creating an account on TikTok and trying your hand at content creation. Unless, of course, the app simply […]
What Is the Ohio Joke on TikTok?
If you’ve spent any time on TikTok lately, you’ve probably come across a meme or video referencing Ohio in some weird, hilarious, or downright bizarre way. The joke has left a lot of users asking: What’s the deal with Ohio on TikTok? This article is going to cover the origins of the Ohio joke and […]
What Is a TikTok Business Account?
TikTok isn’t just for dance challenges and viral trends anymore. It’s also a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audience. If you’re a brand or entrepreneur, a TikTok business account can help you grow your presence. In this article, we’re going to discuss the key features of TikTok business accounts and how they […]
Why Is TikTok Asking for My Birthday?
If you think about it, managing a social media platform with over a billion users isn’t quite the sweetest walk in the park. There’s a focus on handling support requests, fixing bugs, worrying about user experience, and moderating content. Elsewhere, TikTok can’t provide an excellent experience for its users without sufficient information about them. Sure, […]

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