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Can You See Who Viewed Your TikTok?

Published Oktober 20, 2024

Likes and views keep the world of social media running. They don’t just show how viral your content is, but they also help visitors decide whether to view your post and trigger the algorithm to boost your account.

TikTok does tell you about the number of likes you get on all your content. But does TikTok tell you which accounts liked your posts?

Kurze Antwort: Ja, Sie können sehen, wem Ihre TikTok-Inhalte gefallen haben.

TikTok makes it quite easy to see who has liked your video. This feature provides an excellent insight into your audience, and you can use this information to engage with your followers effectively.

So sehen Sie, wem Ihr TikTok gefallen hat

Here is how to view who liked your post in four easy steps:

  •   Open the TikTok app and go to your profile.
  •   Select the video you want to view the likes.
  •   Tap the comment icon below the video.
  •    Tap the “Likes” tab, which is found at the top of the comment section.

This will pop up a list of usernames of people who liked your video.

Können Sie sehen, wem das TikTok einer anderen Person gefallen hat?

At this time, TikTok does not support any feature that lets users see who liked the video of another user. Those are private and only open to the creator of that video. The best you can do is to view the list of videos that another user liked via the Liked Videos Tab. This can be found on their profile page.

Tap the heart icon above their feed to the right, and you will see a timeline of videos the user has liked.

Third-Party Applications: A Word of Cautious

Now, there are a lot of third-party applications that claim to let you view who has liked someone else’s video on TikTok. All of these applications should be used with extra caution; why? That’s because a majority of them will request permission to access your TikTok, which is very dangerous. More critically, the information they display usually tends to be fallacious or misguided.

Generally speaking, no third-party app should ever be used in an attempt to view anything on TikTok.

Understanding TikTok Setting of Liked Video

It is important to note that TikTok does provide the ability to manage who sees which videos you have liked via the privacy settings. If that setting is turned on, then the visibility of your liked videos will shift accordingly.

  • Öffentlich: Everybody sees who liked your video.
  • Freunde: Your friends alone see who liked your video.
  • Nur ich: Nobody sees who liked your video.

First, go to your profile and tap the hamburger menu icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Tap “Settings and Privacy.” Now, tap “Privacy” and scroll down to “Liked Videos.”


TikTok has made it very easy to see who has liked your videos; that alone can be quite useful when trying to collect data about your audience. TikTok’s privacy settings will give you some say on who can see the number of likes on your videos. Be very wary of third-party applications that promise to reveal likes on other user’s videos; this can compromise your account security.

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Jessica ist Beraterin, Forscherin und Chefredakteurin des Buzzoid-Blogs, der sich auf soziale Medien, Marketing und digitale Strategien spezialisiert hat. Sie ist Absolventin des Antioch College und erwarb ihren MBA an der Carroll Graduate School of Management des Boston College, wo sie sich auf MINT-Management spezialisierte.

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